Stories of Phoenix

A heart filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison. - Rumi

Stories of Phoenix

This is an open forum for Palestinians and friends of Palestinians to share Stories about Palestine and their personal journey in small bites. You can share as many Stories as you like in any form you like. These are our Stories, they belong to Palestinians, they are based on our experience and our existence. We exist and we are beautiful people. Share with love and share with joy. Our voices will be heard and our Stories will be told ✨

A Rising Phoenix Awakened in honor of the many lives lost. Your sacrifice and your soul journey are to be honored and celebrated. Your death an awakening to many, an education to us all. May your souls rest in heaven as you witness your dream come true.

Though the acts that took you away are brutal, we move forward in celebrating your lives and your passing by sharing Stories that fill our lives with love. Stories that show the rising spirit of the Phoenix. With our souls awakened, know that we heard your cries, we heard your struggle, we hear your Will.

The beauty of Palestine and Palestinians is expressed in every way of life - our songs, our food, our family, our national dress, our art, our keffiyeh, our heritage and our culture. Our olive and fig trees, our grape vineyards and our orange orchards all represent the relationship and love we have for our land.

With love and honor,

The Phoenix Project

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