A Grand Fig Tree

I sat anticipating
Thinking I was participating

A circle of women gather
In a great way, rather

A peaceful state upon them
A company of many

Chatting together
In what seems like forever

Under the grand fig tree
Their homes they flee

Passing the hours
To connect and maybe talk about flowers

It’s July, it’s hot
A breeze of wind saves the moment
protected under the grand fig tree

I break into sweat
Or is it duress

All the women turn to me
Encouraging me to be

Telling how proud they are
Of my first fast attempt so far

But it’s time to give up they say
Darling girl, it is really okay

They phone a neighbor
And something quick is brought

I break my fast on a cold shamenet and a piece of pita bread bite

Water they share
To my great despair

All I wanted to be
Is a big girl sitting under the grand fig tree

A poem dedicated to my first fast at my grandfather’s home near Jerusalem in 1985. Palestinians love Olives, but second to Olives they adore Figs ✨ Fig trees are loved for many reasons. When large enough, the tree is a source of shade and gathering; neighbors gather under it to connect and share their Stories. Its fruit is nutritious and is eaten fresh or is dried for winter months.

I often wonder if the fig tree still stands 🙏🏻